CUMAC’s Programs
The Marketplace at CUMAC
and satellite location at Freedom Village
CUMAC offers a large, trauma-informed choice marketplace where guests are able to select the foods they need. Through an appointment-based system, guests are able to schedule appointments once a month to come to the Marketplace. CUMAC serves over 6,000 guests monthly.
Benefits Enrollment Center (BEC)
CUMAC's Benefits Enrollment Center provides free help with benefits applications for residents of Passaic County. Click here for more information.
Regional Food Hub
CUMAC’s 28,000 square foot facility is utilized for securing, storing, and distributing fresh, healthy food and high-quality shelf stable products. Food insecurity data and guest surveys are used to determine what food is sourced and where it is deployed. Food is distributed to guests through CUMAC programs and to partner organizations.
Community Conversations
CUMAC offers Trauma-Informed conversations to discuss Adverse Childhood Experiences and Building Resilience to non-profits, schools and community members. Our goal is to create awareness and a common language about ACEs, Toxic Stress and how we can partner with families to provide an environment in which everyone has the resources they need to lead healthy and whole lives.
Place of Promise
Place of Promise is a program that provides permanent housing and 24/7 case management support to individuals experiencing chronic homelessness.